Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Work, Oh How I Hate Thee

It's only 9:20 on Wednesday morning. It's my first day back from a long weekend and I already hate it here. I can think of so many other things I'd rather be doing. For instance, I'd rather be sleeping. I could do my laundry, watch some tv, go to a book store, go to a movie, hang out with my friends, heck I would even do some sort of volunteer work. I mean, I know I have to "earn" some money, but I don't really "earn" it at work anyway. I probably do about 15 minutes of actual work in a day. Now, I know that's a quote from Office Space, but in this case it's true. I don't really work at all. It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that I actually don't have anything I could be doing. Sure, when an opportunity to do actual work comes along, I immediately stop staring at the wall and complete the task. But rarely do I get such a chance. I bet you're thinking, 'Jeez, why is she complaining? She gets paid to do nothing all day long.' Well, it does seem like the perfect job, but it's not. I get so bored and I actually think I'm getting dumber because of it. I look things up on the internet, chat with my friends, and check my email, but you can only do that for so long. Oh, how I long to be challenged. I just want something to do so the day goes by faster. Is that too much to ask for? Well, I suppose I'll get back to counting the tiles on the ceiling.


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